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Production > Cementing area

There is an on-line automatic vacuum gluing machine in the gluing area.

The accuracy of the automatic vacuum dispensing machine is first shown in the degree of quantitative accuracy.

Uniformity refers to the consistency of the dispensing effect produced by the automatic vacuum gluing machine when it is operated many times. Whether the workpiece is a single point, multiple points or irregular lines, the dispensing equipment must maintain a high uniformity. Glue the size of each point of the product is absolutely impossible to obtain customer recognition. At the same time, uniformity is also a basic requirement to ensure stable quality of batch products. Generally speaking, the uniformity of dispensing equipment is related to the stability of the air source and the accuracy of the equipment time control. The repetition time error of the dispensing equipment is 0.005 seconds.

The integration of the automatic vacuum glue filling machine means that it can work well with the production site, the assembly line, and different process conditions.

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